Join IXTHUS as a personal member and you will:
Become part of an influential organization that upholds Biblical truth and strengthens Christian witness.
Help represent a strong, clear Christian voice to the press and media so that Christians are both heard and respected.
Support our role in government to ensure policy makers take account of our values and principles.
Partner with a global organization that brings together Christians and Churches to promote Christian values and effective witness through united fellowship, evangelism, prayer and community programmes.
Gain Spiritual support, guidance and mentoring.
Have access to Bible College and other Courses ICC run.
Attend regular dynamic seminars and conferences to receive direction and
empowerment for Gods’ service.
The members must be willing to be responsible and accountable to the Council and to abide in the rules and regulations of the Council. However, the Council will not interfere in the way that the members’ Churches function
Members must represent a recognised congregational Church (individuals are not included).
Financial commitment - Members to pay an annual subscription.
Regular attendance at meetings. To be united and committed with the vision of the Council, members may be asked to attend at least two meetings a year.
Candidates and Churches to pass an initial assessment.
Candidates must accept the revelation of the Triune God given in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments and confess the historic faith of the Gospel therein set forth.
All Ministers are expected to uphold ecclesiastical protocol without exception.
No Minister or any of their associates can act or engage in any capacity in the name of or on behalf of the Ixthus Church Council without providing prior notification and subsequently receiving written approval from the President, His Eminence, Archbishop Dr A. C. C. Evangelou who is the governing authority of the Ixthus Church Council, setting in place all its major policies and exercising responsibility for every area of its business and activities. The President’s decisions are conclusive.
The Council reserves the right to revoke Ministers’ licences and Church membership or refuse applicants entry into the Council should the membership criteria not be met or upheld.
The Council reserves the right to withdraw from officiating ordinations or consecrations if it is not satisfied with the applicant leading up to the pending or confirmed date.
Members have a responsibility to safeguard vulnerable people from being misguided or mislead. We expect all those who hold a ministerial licence are expected to conduct themselves accordingly. Any abuse of this nature can result in the revoking of your licence and your membership with the Ixthus Church Council without appeal.
The Ixthus Church Council reserves the right to reject any application for membership, Ordination or Consecration at its sole discretion. The Ixthus Church Council reserves the right to terminate the membership or the offer of a membership, Ordination or Consecration at any time and at its sole discretion.
A candidate or licenced member has the right to withdraw its/their application or membership at any time. No further fees would be due and no refund will be payable by the Ixthus Church Council.
All applicants are expected and have a responsibility to carefully read understand and agree with the criteria and vision of the Ixthus Church Council.